

Twitter is testing a new feature for your profile page that might give away one of your secrets

Twitter is testing a new feature for your profile page that might give away one of your secrets
Patrick Devaney

Patrick Devaney

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Twitter is a quickfire social network that encourages you to shoot off your thoughts and insights in small bite-sized chunks. It works too with millions of Tweets every day letting Twitter users know everything from thoughts about a new outfit to the battle tactics of a Russian tank division. Not everybody goes on Twitter to share though with some people only there to follow their favorite accounts. It now looks like Twitter may be about to out these silent users for all to see.

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The ever-impressive social media reporter Jane Manchun Wong has spotted an interesting new tab on her profile page that shares information about how she uses Twitter. She posted an image of the new tab to Twitter last Thursday:

As you can see in the image above a new Tweets daily note has been added next to the number of Tweets she has posted on her account. This means that should this update receive a wider rollout everybody will be able to see how often you Tweet simply by going to your profile page. Wong reports that the range of frequencies the new feature could say include Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Infrequently or Never.

This is only a small update, but it may cause Twitter users at both ends of the spectrum a little discomfort. Wong herself, jokingly describes how the feature is broadcasting her Twitter “addiction” for all to see. Infrequent Tweeters might not like being called out for being ‘lurkers’, which is what forum and social network users who rarely post are often called. Of course, there is every chance that some Twitter users will wear their new badge with pride.

This is still just an early test of a feature that is still in development so there is no guarantee that it will receive a general rollout to all users and land on everybody’s profile page. We will have to wait and see. If you are a Twitter power user, you may be interested to see a long-awaited Twitter feature that is finally on the way. Click to see the new Edit Tweet button in action.

Image via: Jane Manchun Wong

Patrick Devaney

Patrick Devaney

Patrick Devaney is a news reporter for Softonic, keeping readers up to date on everything affecting their favorite apps and programs. His beat includes social media apps and sites like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, and Snapchat. Patrick also covers antivirus and security issues, web browsers, the full Google suite of apps and programs, and operating systems like Windows, iOS, and Android.

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